How to reset app to "Factory settings"?

If you ever want to start fresh and reset everything in the Just app, there's a straightforward way to do so from the admin settings.

Here’s how:

  1. Access the Admin Settings:
    Navigate to the "Admin Settings" section where you manage your API keys and app configurations.

  2. Locate the "Reset All Settings" Button:
    In the settings, you’ll find an option labeled "Reset all settings."

  3. What Happens When You Click "Reset":
    By selecting this option, you’ll trigger a confirmation dialog. This action will remove:

    • All custom configurations

    • Any added API keys

    • Scenarios and versions you've built

    • Custom contexts

    • Saved chats

    Essentially, the app will return to its original default state.

  4. Confirmation Dialog:
    Before proceeding, a confirmation dialog will appear, prompting you with the following message:

This will permanently erase all app data. Are you sure you want to continue?

Your balance on system keys, such as the default OpenAI key, will remain unchanged after the reset. However, all other configurations will be wiped.

  1. Proceed with Caution:
    Please note, this action is permanent and cannot be undone. Ensure you truly want to reset everything before proceeding.