Getting started

This guide will help you quickly set up and start automating tasks with AI-driven scenarios in Jira using our plugin. Let’s walk through the essential steps to get you up and running in no time.

0. Open a Jira Issue to Access Just

Just is integrated into the Jira issue details screen via the issuePanel module. By default, all plugins are hidden. To open Just, simply navigate to any Jira issue and click the Just button located below the Summary field at the top of the issue details screen. This will launch the app within the issue context.

Button to init Just app panel
Just app view after init

While the Just app plugin can be used in both modal and full-page views of Jira issues, we strongly recommend using the full-page view. This provides a cleaner, more organized layout and helps prevent the clutter often associated with modal windows.

1. Fulfill the "Project Description" Context

After installing the Just plugin, you’ll need to define the Project Description for better context. This description helps AI understand your project and tasks, allowing it to create more accurate and relevant scenarios. You can provide any relevant details, such as project goals, scope, and typical workflows.

Project description is already added to each scenario version as a confluence page with subpages context. But, until any page is selected - this context have no effect and igrnored.

2. Check Scenario Results with Default System API Key

You can immediately test AI scenarios using the default system API Key we’ve included. This key provides $2 of free credit for each supported AI provider, enabling you to experiment with AI-driven task automation without any setup.

How to Test:

  • Select a Jira task or issue.

  • Run the default AI scenario and check the results in real-time.

  • Feel free to adjust parameters and rerun for optimized outputs.

3. Build Your Own AI-Driven Scenario

Now that you’ve seen how the default scenario works, it’s time to create your own! Identify a repetitive or time-consuming task that could benefit from automation. With Just, you can design custom AI scenarios to automate processes tailored specifically to your needs.

Learn more on how to build a new AI scenario.

4. Connect Your Own API Key

If you plan to use AI frequently, we recommend connecting your personal API key. This enables you to bypass the $2 credit limit provided by the default system key and fully unlock the capabilities of your chosen AI provider.

Learn more on how to create and connect your API Key.

5. Just Use It!

You're all set! Now you can start using Just to automate tasks and improve your workflow with AI-driven scenarios.

Need Help? Share Your Thoughts!

If you have any issues, questions, or suggestions to improve Just, we’re here to help! Visit our Help Center to get assistance, share feedback, or propose new ideas. We’d love to hear from you!