Test Plan


Design thorough test plans with traceable scenarios and criteria, ensuring feature reliability and quality.



Pre-selected AI

Anthropic: Claude 3.5 Sonnet


Jira issue (full context) Project: Purpose Project: Features / Advantages Project: Target Audience Project: Tech Stack



Define Scenarios

  • Input: Jira issue, workflows, and user stories

  • AI Task:

    • Identify positive and negative test scenarios.

    • Map scenarios to workflows or features.

  • Output: A table with:

    • Scenario Name: Concise name for the scenario.

    • Type: Positive or Negative.

    • Workflow: Related user workflow or feature.

    • Priority: High, Medium, Low.


Create Cases

  • Input: Test scenarios

  • AI Task:

    • Generate test cases in checklist or Gherkin format.

    • Include fields like ID, steps, and expected outcomes.

  • Output: A table with:

    • Test Case ID: Unique identifier.

    • Scenario Name: Linked scenario.

    • Steps: Instructions to execute.

    • Expected Outcome: Anticipated result.


Define Criteria

  • Input: Test cases and project requirements

  • AI Task:

    • Create SMART acceptance criteria.

    • Link criteria to relevant test cases.

  • Output: A table with:

    • Criteria ID: Unique identifier.

    • Description: Summary of the criteria.

    • Linked Cases: Test cases validating this criteria.


Build Matrix

  • Input: Test cases, criteria, and workflows

  • AI Task:

    • Map test cases to requirements and criteria.

    • Highlight high-priority and critical cases.

  • Output: A table with:

    • Requirement: Associated requirement.

    • Test Case ID: Linked test case(s).

    • Criteria ID: Validating criteria.

    • Priority: High, Medium, Low.


Plan Tests

  • Input: Test cases, priorities, and dependencies

  • AI Task:

    • Develop a phased testing plan (Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance).

    • Assign tasks to Agile sprints.

  • Output: A table with:

    • Task Name: Specific testing activity.

    • Phase: Testing phase.

    • Sprint: Assigned Agile sprint.

    • Dependencies: Tasks or phases it depends on.

    • Priority: High, Medium, Low.


Summarize Tests

  • Input: Scenarios, test cases, criteria, traceability matrix, and testing plan

  • AI Task:

    • Compile all outputs into a cohesive document.

    • Highlight critical tests, high-risk areas, and key priorities.

  • Output: A structured summary of the testing plan.